The author of Blog "Flit" is coordinating inquiries after Arabic-language editions of the Federalist Papers, currently in hot demand and short supply in Iraq. He reports that the US Embassy in Jordan, which has been a source, is out and does not plan to reprint. He says that he has found an impending source of reprints at the US Embassy in Egypt.
Flit(tm): Federalist Papers in Arabic IV
I have an American friend who is guest-teaching American legal systems at a law school in Kurdish Northern Iraq. He is looking to distribute The Federalist Papers in Arabic and would appreciate learning of an affordable source. If you know of a source, please Comment, Trackback or email me.
Posted by dougsimpson at February 6, 2004 04:25 PM | TrackBackI don't know if coordinating isn't too strong a word for it. I'm just a bit of a gadfly. Josh Chafetz over at Oxblog is at least as organized as I am and probably many times more.
Posted by: TM Lutas at February 6, 2004 06:45 PM